April, 2005 HGS Bulletin

April, 2005 HGS Bulletin in HTML Format
April, 2005 HGS Bulletin in PDF Format (6 megabytes)
Regular Monthly Articles:

From the President
From the Editor
GeoEvents Calendar
Professional Directory
Letters to the Editor

Feature Articles:

HGS General Evening Meeting April 11. "The Trident Discovery: Play Opener of the Perdido Foldbelt, Deepwater Northwertern Gulf of Mexico" 

HGS International Explorationists Dinner Meeting April 11. "New Perspectives On African Tectonics and Petroleum Systems of the Past 200 My" 

GSH Technical Luncheon April 19. "The Northern Sumatra Earthquake of 2004: Forty Years of Ignoring Plate Tectonics"

HGS Northsiders Luncheon Meeting April 19. "Advances in Hydrographic Systems Aid Hydrocarbon Exploration and Geohazard Evaluation"

SIPES Luncheon Meeting April 21. "Certification of Petroleum Reserves Evaluatorrs: The Time is Now?"
HGS North American Explorationists Dinner April 25. "Is There Anything Useful to be Learned by Correlating Several Thousand Well Logs from the Middle and Upper Wilcox of South Texas?" 

HGS General Luncheon Meeting April 27. "Oil Mixing in Deep Shelf and Deep Water Areas of the Gulf of Mexico"

New Geologic Time Scale 2004
Candidates for the 2005-2006 HGS Executive Board
Co-Volunteers of the Month: Arlin Howles and Henry Wise
Scholarship Benefit Party Raises the Roof for Students, by Steve Levine

W.L. and Florence W. Calvert Memorial Scholarship Fund
Proposed Rules for Professional Geoscientist Continuing Education Program by Henry M. Wise.
Book Review "Time Traveller, In Search of Dinosaurs and Ancient Mammals from Montana to Mongolia," by Michael Novacek. Reviewed by George Chandlee.

Book Review "Earth: An Intimate History," by Richard Fortey. Reviewed by Jim Ragsdale.

Friday, April 1, 2005
Houston Geological Society Bulletins