April, 2005 Co-Volunteers of the Month

April, 2005 Co-Volunteer of the MonthHenry WiseThis month’s Co-volunteer of the Month is Henry Wise.  Henry is the Technical Services Manager at Eagle Construction & Environmental Services, L.P. where he performs environmental site assessments, remediation, and emergency response to spills, leaks, and other releases.  Henry is co-chairman of the HGS Government Affairs Committee and writes “Governmental Update” for the HGS Bulletin along with Arlin Howles.  He is also a founding member of the Environmental & Engineering Geology Group (back when it was only a committee), and is on the Continuing Education Committee.Henry has actively participated in getting the Professional Geoscientist legislation passed by keeping the HGS membership informed of why it was needed, and some of the obstacles that stood in its way.  Now that the PG bill is law, Henry is continuing to keep other geologists informed of the evolution of the Board of Texas Geoscientists, new rules and regulations, and other interesting governmental issues pertinent to geologists through the monthly “Government Update”, upcoming articles on new PG rules, such as the continuing education requirement, and his semi-weekly “Wise Report” which can be found on the AIPG-Texas and AEG-Texas websites.Henry received his Bachelor’s degree in geology from Boston University in 1975 and his Masters Degree in geology from The University of Texas at El Paso in 1977.  Henry will always tell you with a broad smile that he’s unique amongst Houston geologists, as he’s “one of the few geologists in Houston who was never, ever in oil and gas!”  He started his career working for U.S. Steel exploring and producing uranium in south Texas.  In 1985 he left the uranium fields for the environmental field because of a depression in the uranium market.  He is currently overseeing three large contracts with the TCEQ to provide emergency, site assessment, and environmental remediation activities. April, 2005 Co-Volunteer of the MonthArlin HowlesThis month’s Co-volunteer of the Month is Arlin Howles.  Arlin is the Vice President and Principal Geoscientist for Tidewater Environmental Services, Inc. where he performs management of hydrogeologic and geologic investigations, hazardous waste site remedial investigations and feasibility studies. Additional responsibilities include groundwater monitoring system planning and installation, aquifer testing and analysis, assessment of contaminant transport as well as representing clients and negotiating with local, state and federal regulatory agencies.Arlin has actively participated in registering HGS members as Professional Geoscientists in Texas and has been co-chairman of the Governmental Affairs Committee for the HGS.  He and Henry Wise write a monthly column for the HGS Bulletin called “Governmental Update” to keep HGS members informed about regulation changes and activities in Texas and the nation that affect geoscientists and engineers, and to monitor Texas legislative activities including the Senate Select Committee on Water Policy.  Arlin recently attended a Professional Engineer Policy Opinion Stakeholders Meeting and represented the HGS position on geoscientists.  Arlin has also developed and patented mobile remedial operations for recovery and destruction of petroleum hydrocarbons for losses during oil exploration, transportation and distribution.Arlin received a Bachelor’s degree in Geology from Edinboro State University, a Master’s degree in Geology and Geophysics from the University of South Carolina and did post-graduate studies at Wright State University.   He is a Texas Professional Geoscientist and is a Corrective Action Project Manager for the Texas Commission-Environmental Quality LPST Program.

HGS Bulletin - April, 2005
Friday, April 1, 2005
Member News