Calvert Memorial Scholarship Fund Contributors - 2004

W. L and Florence W. Calvert Memorial Scholarship Fund
The W.L. and Florence W. Calvert Memorial Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to Graduate Students from nearby universities.  Each year a total of over $10,000 worth of scholarships are presented to deserving individuals.  These reductions to the corpus of the Fund are partially offset each year by donations from individual HGS members.  These donations allow us to maintain the number and size of scholarships each year.
The HGS and the Memorial Scholarship Fund Board gratefully acknowledge the following contributions to the Fund in 2004.  The three categories of contributions are Patron ($500 or more), Donor ($100 to $500), and Contributor (less than $100).
 Justine Boccanera  (in memory of  D.Van Siclen)
 Arthur Mullenax 
 Daniel L. Smith
 Zinn Petroleum Company
 Steve Adams 
 Robert Alexander 
 Michael M. Anderson
 Antoine International 
 Lawrence Baldwin 
 Jack R. Banttari 
 Kenneth Beeney 
 Orville R. Berg 
 George R. Bole
 Steven Brachman
 Michael W. Brennan 
 Arthur W. Browning 
 BW Petrophysics
 Martin Cassidy
 Chelsea Energy 
 David W. Childers 
 Christopher K. Clark 
 Robey H. Clark
 Paola Dattilo 
 G.M. Dow
 Lynn Duncan
 D. Burt Dunn 
 Fayette Exploration  (in memory of Clyde Harrison)
 Richard Fillon
 John E. Frost
 Patrick T. Gordon 
 Kirk Hansen
 Wayne Harris  (in memory of Steve Harris)
 Arch W. Helton
 Gary Huxford
 Jamex, Inc. 
 James Janssen
 Robert Kaufmann 
 John Klein 
 Tako Koning
 Labyrinth Consulting 
 Stephen D. Levine    (in memory of Jerry Thornburg)
 Jeffery W Lund
 Claudio D. Manzolillo 
 John Maxwell 
 Tom D. Mooney.  (in memory of  Tom Mooney)
 Craig Moore
 Sidney Moran 
 David Morton  
 John Polasek 
 Pratt Geoscience Services 
 Walter Pusey
 James Ragsdale 
 John Ross
 John C. Scheldt 
 William Schroeter 
 Theresa F. Schwarzer (in memory of  R.Schwarzer)
 Arthur E Jr Smith 
 Daniel L. Smith  
 George T Smith 
 Frank Sonnenberg 
 Amy E. Sullivan 
 Michael Sweet 
 Mark A. Taylor 
 Edwin L. Trice  (in memory of E.L. Trice, Jr)
 Randall W. Wells 
 Williams Geological  (in memory of June Lathon)

HGS Bulletin - April, 2005
Friday, April 1, 2005