HGS/Geowives News -- April, 2005

GEOWIVES Spring Field Trip and Newsfor the April, 2005 HGS BulletinHGA  and GeoWives NewsBy Vicky Pickering, 3rd Vice PresidentThe ladies of HGA are experiencing a busy time in Houston with the 2004-2005 Calendar year drawing to a close in May.  On Thursday, May 12, 2005 we will have our Business Luncheon and enjoy musical entertainment by “The Kingsmen”, a barbershop chorus. We will meet at the Briar Club. Members please watch for your invitation in the mail and get your reservations in early. The party is being planned by Lois Matuzsak and her talented committee.Remember we have two bridge groups. “Cinco-Mas” plays bridge on the second Thursday of each month at the Junior League. Call Audrey Tompkins at (713) 686-0005 for reservations and information. The Petroleum Club Ladies Bridge Group meets on the third Wednesday of each month. Call Daisy Wood at (713) 977-7319 for reservations.We would like to invite all wives of HGS members, widows of HGS members and female geologists who are members of HGS to join the Houston Geological Auxiliary for the coming year 2005-2006. Membership forms are found in the Bulletin.GeoWives Welcome to springtime in Texas. April is a great month to be in the East and South Texas areas. GeoWives will celebrate the season with a trip to Nacogdoches April 13, 2005 to visit historical places involved in the founding of the state of Texas. Hostesses will be Martha Lou Broussard and Linnie Edwards. The visiting on the bus trip adds a lot of fun to the day. Come join us.The May luncheon will be Installation of Officers for the 2005-2006 Calendar year.Membership forms for GeoWives appears in the HGS Bulletin. The Geowives Spring Field Trip is Thursday, April 14 to Nacogdoches Texas - the oldest town in Texas.  The first European settlement was founded in 1779 by Antonio Gil Y''Barbo, a prominent Spanish trader. He laid out a town site and built a two story stone home known now as the Old Stone Fort which we will visit.  Of course the Nacogdoche Indians had a village here many centuries earlier. Continuing our study of Sam Houston, we will visit the Adolphus Sterne home (built 1830). Houston was baptized as a Catholic on the porch of this house soon after he arrived in Texas in order to be eligible to own land under the Mexican government. After our lunch we will conclude our day with a guided tour of other historical sites. is Thursday, April 14 to Nacogdoches Texas - the oldest town in Texas.  The first European settlement was founded in 1779 by Antonio Gil Y''Barbo, a prominent Spanish trader. He laid out a town site and built a two story stone home known now as the Old Stone Fort which we will visit.  Of course the Nacogdoche Indians had a village here many centuries earlier. Continuing our study of Sam Houston, we will visit the Adolphus Sterne home (built 1830). Houston was baptized as a Catholic on the porch of this house soon after he arrived in Texas in order to be eligible to own land under the Mexican government. After our lunch we will conclude our day with a guided tour of other historical sites.  We will leave from Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church at 8:00 A.M and return about 5:30 P.M.  Your check made to Geowives for $18 and sent to Janet Steinmetz by April 9 is your reservation. This includes lunch, snacks, entrance fees, guide and transportation. All members of Geowives, HGA and HGS are invited.  Guests are welcome. Questions to Martha Lou Broussard or Linnie Edwards.May Business MeetingOur annual business meeting will be Thursday, May 19, at Cohen House, the faculty club at Rice University. Please keep this date available.  More information to come.

HGS Bulletin -- April, 2005
Friday, April 1, 2005