Geo Wives

Wow!! The Geo Wives have launched their 2007/2008 season on Tuesday September 18, 2007 by having a sumptuous party at the beautiful home of Sholeh Huber, Geo Wives Chair... To complete the scenario James Parr, Director of new Business Development and Exploration - Cabot Oil and Gas Corp.. presented the latest trends in the Oil Industry. All the members enjoyed the informative and exciting news of our industry!!!
They feel very fortunate to have someone like James Parr spend time with them (laymen), to explain some of the aspects of new technologies which are impacting and helping the discovery and extraction of oil and gas ! ! !
James also covered the current business outlook and some interesting forward-looking scenarios which continue to make the oil-patch such a dynamic business!

Daisy Wood
Monday, October 1, 2007
HGA / GeoWives