WebNotes - March, 2005

Web Notes - March, 2005Change seems to be a way of life for the HGS Website.  That’s the nature of the entire Internet, for that matter.New HGS Website features:1. Potential new members can now make application for membership directly on the HGS Website.  They can still use the old paper form if they like, but that creates extra work for the HGS Office because the application must be on the Website in order for the Membership Committee to process it.  This new feature will streamline the approval process and reduce the time it takes for action by the Executive Committee.  The Website Committee is now reviewing what is needed to add on-line dues-renewal to the Website.2. Be sure to read Art Berman’s “Editor’s Letter” in this issue of the Bulletin.  It describes a long-range plan to more tightly integrate the HGS Bulletin and the HGS Website.  Prior to February, 2005, a black-and-white copy of the Bulletin was posted on the Website in Adobe PDF format.  It was very large and fairly difficult to download and read.  We will continue to post the PDF version but, beginning with the February issue,  a color version of many articles will be available, complete with active URL links and, when possible, expanded content.  Each new issue will be posted about the same time as the print Bulletin is mailed. Two issues are now on-line at http://hgs.org/2005/February/ and http://hgs.org/2005/March/.Dave CraneHGS/GSH Webmaster713/789-5916

HGS Bulletin, March, 2005
Monday, February 28, 2005
Web Notes