HGS Newsletter -- February 2005

Houston Geological Society NewsletterFebruary, 2005   Events CalendarFebruary is a full month for HGS, with some superb technical programs and social events.  Also, check the bottom of the newsletter for more info about the proposed Continuing Education credit requirements proposed by the Texas Board of Professional Registration.February 5, Rock out at the HGS Scholarship Rock Dance! Live music, door prizes, and a Silent Auction, all to raise money for the HGS Undergrad and Calvert scholarships. We are still collecting items for the Silent Auction; contact Joan Henshaw at the HGS office if you want to make a (tax deductible!) donation. Tickets on sale at the door.  Petroleum Club, 6:30 pm.February 7,  HGS General Dinner, Keith Shanley, "Understanding Myths and Realities of Basin-Centered Resources," Westchase Hilton, Social 5:30, Dinner 6:30.February 15, HGS NorthSiders Luncheon, Kevin Hill, "Grayson Field Jurassic Smackover Reservoir:  a case study using leading-edge reservoir characterization seismic processing of 3D data," Hotel Sofitel, 11:30 am.February 17, HGS Continuing Ed Short Course, Roger Young and Gordon Van Swearingen, "Rock-based Integration: Geologic interpretation of the integration of seismic and petrophysical data," BEG Houston Research Center, 8 am-5 pm.February 17, HGS NeoGeos Joint Social with SPE, Rice Village, 5555 Morningside Drive in Rice Village.February 21, HGS International Explorationists' Evening Meeting, Steve Henry, Al Danforth and Sujata Venkatraman, "New insights into petroleum systems and plays in Angola, the Congo and Gabon from PSDM sub-salt imaging," Westchase Hilton,  Social 5:30, Presentation 7:00.  We're trying a new meeting format with an hors d'oeuvres buffet and theater-style seating.  Come try it and tell us what you think!February 23, HGS General Luncheon, Rion Camerlo, ChevronTexaco, "Shale tectonics in the northern Port Isabel Fold Belt trend, deepwater Gulf of Mexico," Petroleum Club, Social 11:15, Lunch 11:45.  February 28, HGS North American Dinner Meeting, Brian Toelle, Schlumberger, "An overview of the Trenton--Black River play, Westchase Hilton, Social 5:30, Dinner 6:30.Other Items of NoteEarth Science Teacher of the Year nominations search -- HGS, GCAGS and AAPG all provide hefty cash awards for their Teacher of the Year.  If you have a great candidate, contact Mike Deming. The Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists will be finalizing their requirements for Continuing Education for registered geologists at their Board meeting in Austin February 7. (See the draft version at the TBPG website.) HGS is gathering members' comments to be presented at this meeting.  Please send your comments  to Kara Bennett.   Published 3 February, 2005 

Thursday, February 3, 2005