HGS and GeoWives News - March, 2005

HGA and GeoWives News for March, 2005by Vicky Pickering, 3rd Vice President, HGAHGA News:It is time to enjoy the beautiful Spring weather in Houston. Come join the ladies of HGA for two luncheons.Thursday, March 31, 2005 the ladies of HGA will enjoy a Spring Style Show with Fashions by Harrold Powell with luncheon at the Houston Racquet Club. Shirley Gordon and Norma Jean Bacho will chair this luncheon with their excellent committee.On Thursday, May 12, 2005, HGA will have the yearly Business Luncheon with musical entertainment by The Kingsmen, a barbershop chorus. Lois Matuzsak will be chairperson of this party with her able committee.Two bridge groups are available for those interested in bridge. Contacts are Audrey Tompkins at 713-686-0005 and Daisy Wood at 713-977-7319.Wives of members of HGS and women geologist members of HGS are invited to be members of HGA. Contact our president Margaret Jones at 281-558-3171 for information on membership.GeoWives News:In March Lois Matuszak is preparing a wonderful program on India. April 14, 2005 is the Spring Trip for GeoWives. They are going to the oldest town in Texas – Nacogdoches. There are many sites involving Texas history as well as the oil industry. Hostesses are Martha Lou Broussard and Linnie Edwards. Mark you calendar for a fun-filled day.

HGS Bulletin - March, 2005
Monday, February 28, 2005