HGS Newsletter -- January, 2005

Houston Geological Society NewsletterJanuary, 2005

Events Calendar

HGS has some great talks this month, along with Part Two of the very successful HGS short course on Petroleum Reserves on January 20. Also, be sure to catch up on the two governmental affairs events of immediate importance to Texas geologists.  Details are at the bottom of this newsletter.  
January 10, HGS General Dinner: Art Donovan, BP, Taking the Scenic Route & Avoiding the Interstates: Understanding and Predicting the Distribution and Type of Slope Reservoirs. Westchase Hilton, Social 5:30pm, Dinner 6:30pm.
January 17, HGS International Explorationists Evening Meeting: John Ardill, ExxonMobil, Deepwater Reservoir Learnings from the Zafiro Field, Equatorial Guinea. Westchase Hilton, Social 5:30pm, Dinner 6:30pm.
January 18, Northsiders Luncheon: Jeff Ogilvie, Noble, Seismic Considerations for Classifying Proven Resources. Sofitel Hotel, Social 11:30am, Lunch 11:45.
January 18, Environmental & Engineering Dinner: John Larson, TRC Environmental Depositional Environment Characterization for Effective Remediation. Guadalajara Hacienda, Social 5:30pm, Dinner 6:30pm.
January 20, HGS Continuing Ed Short Course: Dan Tearpock, SCA.. Recommended Geoscience Practices for Reserve Estimates. Shell Auditorium, 910 Louisiana, 8:00am-4:00pm.
January 25, HGS North American Dinner: Julie LeFever , N. Dakota Geol. Survey, Bakken Play of Montana and North Dakota. Westchase Hilton, Social 5:30pm, Dinner 6:30pm.
January 26, HGS General Luncheon: Selim Shaker, Geopressure Analysis Services, Trapping vs. Breaching Seals: a Case History of Macaroni Field and Mt. Massive, Auger Basin, Gulf of Mexico. Westchase Hilton, Social 5:30, Dinner 6:30pm.

February 5, Rock out at the HGS Scholarship Rock Dance! This should be a great evening of fun with live music and lots of door prizes, as well as a Silent Auction, all to raise money for the HGS Undergrad and Calvert scholarships. We are still collecting items for the Silent Auction; contact Joan Henshaw at the HGS office if you want to make a (tax deductible!) donation.
Important Legislative News
On the legislative front, two important and immediate events will affect Texas geologists. First, the Texas Board of Professional Engineers is discussing a new policy advisory opinion that essentially restricts responsibility for anything to do with water quality to the realm of the engineers, effectively removing responsibility from geologists.
HGS has put together an HGS opinion letter to the Engineering Board signed by President Steve Levine to be presented in Austin January 11, (yes, this upcoming Tuesday) but it would be useful if the Engineering Board heard comments from as many stakeholders as possible. Send your comments to peboard@tbpe.state.tx.us
The meetings have been timed to slip quietly unnoticed in remarkably short order, and we want to make sure that our opinions are clearly made known.  The more comments, the better.
Second, the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists is holding a public meeting for input on the continuing education requirements for registered Texas  geoscientists at 5:00pm January 19, 2005 in Houston at the Crown Plaza Brook Hollow. A few more details are on the HGS Website.

Comments about the newsletter? Send them to Kara Bennett and Bill Osten.

Published Friday, January 7, 2005


Friday, January 7, 2005