HGS Newsletter -- December, 2004

Houston Geological Society NewsletterDecember, 2004

HGS Activities

December 9thNeoGeos Social. Come and join us for some holiday cheer at The Gingerman in Rice Village (5607 Morningside Drive), all HGS members welcome. 5:30 pm.

December 13th. HGS International/North American/General Dinner:  Dr. Lesli J. Wood (UT BEG) speaks on "Quantitative Seismic Geomorphology of Clastic Reservoirs and Systems."  Westchase Hilton. 5:30pm.

December 15th. HGS Continuing Education Course: Petroleum Reserves--Avoiding Writedowns: Part 1.  Reserve definitions and reporting requirements. Taught by John Hodgin and Thomas Wagenhofer.  This is the first of a three-part mini-series and should be excellent. 7:30am to 4:00pm at Noble Energy.

Other Notes

The Texas Board of Geological Registration is currently formulating  rules requiring mandatory Continuing Education credits to maintain your Texas Geologist registration.  The Board has requested comments from the public and registered geoscientists.  HGS plans to assist with a public commentary meeting with the Texas Board in Houston in mid-January.  Be sure to check the HGS Website for date and time (to be posted when available) and make your opinion known, either in person or by email to the Texas Board.

Bulletin Correction:  The listing for the December 21st Environmental and Engineering Dinner in the Bulletin is incorrect.  The dinner will take place January 18th.  Speaker: John Larson, "Depositional Environment Characterization for Effective Remediation."

December 16th. SIPES Luncheon.  Petroleum Club. 11:15am. Topic: "The Coming Domestic Oil and Gas Boom."  Speaker: Allen Gilmer, Chairman, Drillinginfo Inc.

December 24th. The HGS/GSH office will be closed for Christmas on Friday.

Tell us what you think about the contents of the HGS Newsletter.  Too long?  Too short? Need more frequent reminders?  Let the Website Committee know.

Happy Holidays!

  Published Thursday, December 2nd , 2004




Friday, December 3, 2004