HGS Events Update -- November, 2004

HGS Events UpdateNovember, 2004

The pre-registration deadlines are fast approaching for some excellent HGS technical programs:

  • Thursday: Dr. Roy Dokka from LSU is shows results from analysis of 100+ years of Gulf Coast geodetic survey data. His data shows that coastal subsidence is regional, deep-seated and long-term, directly contrary to the popular idea that all subsidence is related to petroleum or groundwater withdrawal.  This should be a fascinating, dynamic talk, and one that has enormous social, economic and regulatory implications. Nov. 11, Petroleum Club.  Preregistration for this joint HGS/HEC luncheon is closed, but walk-ins are welcome.

Note: The Petroleum Club luncheon will end promptly at 1 pm to accommodate people planning to attend Michel Halbouty''s funeral at St. Martin''s Episcopal Church, Sage & Woodway, 2 pm.

  • Monday: HGS International Expl. Dinner will be held Nov 15 at the U.H. Hilton.  Dr. Celal Sengör  from Istanbul Tech presents the R. E. Sherriff lecture "The Geology of the Middle East" as part of the U.H. Geology Dept.''s mini-conference honoring Kevin Burke. HGS members are also invited to attend the technical mini-conference all day Monday.  Pre-register by Nov 12 at the U of H Website, not with the HGS.
  • Tuesday: At the HGS Northsiders Lunch Nov 16, Dave Peace speaks on "Using controlled source electro-magnetics (CSEM) for petroleum exploration" at Anadarko Tower.  Pre-register by Nov 15 at the HGS Website.  Also note the buffet price is only $20 for pre-registrants -- it was listed incorrectly in the Bulletin.
  • Tuesday: HGS Env & Eng Dinner Nov 16 features Steven Musick from TCEQ showing an "Overview of groundwater management in Texas" at the Guadalajara Hacienda.  Pre-register by Nov. 15 at the HGS Website.

Thanks, and see you at the meetings!
Kara Bennett
HGS Vice President

Tell us what you think about the contents of the HGS Update.  Too long?  Too short? Need more frequent reminders?  Let the Website Committee know.

  Published Wednesday, November 10th, 2004


Wednesday, November 10, 2004