HGS Volunteer of the Month -- December, 2004

Allan Filipov -- HGS Golf Tournament ChairHGS Volunteer of the Month for December, 2004
Allan Filipov has served three years as the chair of the greatly successful HGS Golf Tournament. The annual fall tournament held in October at the Kingwood Country Club has been an HGS tradition for decades. Allan has significantly upgraded the organization of the event. The sponsors provided many smiling volunteers to make the check-in a breeze. Each of the events went smoothly, from the golf cart arrangements, post-golf BBQ dinner, leader board, to the winning prize distributions, all seemed to go flawlessly. An event of this size takes an enormous amount of planning and dedication. "The golf tournament is a fun event that enables us to network and enjoy some fun time within our industry, as well as generate positive cash flow for the HGS.  This event could not happen without the excellent support of the HGS office personnel as well as help from all of the golfing volunteers" says Allan.Allan earned a BS in geology from the University of Rhode Island in 1981. Afterwards he worked as a well logging engineer for Welex, a Halliburton Company in Kansas. He completed an MS in sedimentary geology at the University of Massachusetts in 1985.  He was employed with Amoco in New Orleans from 1985-1989.  He has been a marketing representative for various companies in Houston since 1989 and is employed with Fairfield Industries. Fairfield Industries has graciously lent his time to aid our society.Alan Filipov's enjoyment of golf has allowed for a great addition to the HGS.

Wednesday, December 1, 2004
Member News