HGS Newsletter -- September, 2004

Houston Geological Society NewsletterSeptember, 2004
Notices and Reminders

HGS Activities This Month

Monday, September 13th, 2004. Mike Moore, BHP Biliton, will speak at the HGS General Dinner on "Play Concepts in an Emerging Major Hydrocarbon Province in Ultra Deep Water Gulf of Mexico."  Note: the deadline for reservations falls on friday when an event is held on a monday.

Thursday, September 16, 2004, 1-5 pm.  Don't miss APPEX's Young Professionals' course "Packaging and Selling your Prospect" sponsored by HGS/AAPG/SIPES.  Steve Brachman shows you how to put together geoscience, land and financial data into a prospect package for management and independents in this practical "How-To" course, designed for anyone who wants to improve their sales packages.  As a special benefit, we've also arranged free entry into the APPEX show Thursday morning, included your registration fee.  George R. Brown Convention Center.

Sunday, September 19th, 2004. There will be a Volunteer Geologist Certification class at the Houston Museum of Natural Science on Sunday, the 19th of September, beginning at 1:30pm. You'll participate in a teaching tour of the three Earth Science halls with fellow HGS members, learn about logistics and "tricks of the trade". HGS members are encouraged to bring their spouses or teenage children -- families who volunteer together have more fun! Please email Sibyl Robertson at the HMNS to make your reservation. Details are posted on the HGS Museum of Science Committee's web page.  Join us and get ready for Earth Science Week.

Monday, September 20th, 2004.  Sign up now for the HGS Golf Tournament at Kingwood and Deerwood country clubs. Download the details and registration form, fill in your foursome and course choices, and send it to the HGS office with $125 per person before the deadline. Sign up now to assure a spot. Reservations will be acknowledged by telephone call during the week of September 5th-11th.  Make checks payable to the HGS Entertainment Fund.

Monday, September 20th, 2004. The HGS International Explorationists Dinner topic will be the "An Emerging Giant Gas Province: Nile Delta/Mediterranean Offshore, Deep Water, Egypt." Paul Boucher of BP Egypt is the speaker.

Tuesday, September 21th, 2004. The HGS Northsiders Lunch will hear Brian Maxted, Kosmos Energy, speak on "Positioning for Exploration Successin the Petroleum Upstream." The September HGS Bulletin calendar shows this event as a dinner, but it is a luncheon meeting as shown on page 45 of that same Bulletin. Note also that the cost of this event has been reduced since the Bulletin was published.  It's now $25 for HGS members with reservations and $30 for all others.

Tuesday, September 21th, 2004. The HGS Environmental and Engineering Dinner topic is "The State of Texas Municipal Setting Designation (MSD) Program."

Monday, September 27th, 2004. The HGS North American Explorationists Dinner topic is "Understanding Growth-Faulted, Intraslope Subbasins and Associated Reservoir Targets." The speaker is Robert Loucks of the BEG in Austin. Please Note:  The September HGS Bulletin  shows the wrong date for this event.  It is on the 27th, not the 21st.

Wednesday, September 29th, 2004. Rich Green speaks on "Applying Historical Data to Oil and Gas Price Projections" at the HGS Luncheon.  Rich's talk was one of the best presentations at the recent AAPG Convention in Dallas and his predictions have been spot on the mark for the last decade.  It's long-term good news, and you'll want to hear it. Petroleum Club at 11:15am.

Thursday, September 30th, 2004.  Don't miss the NeoGeos social at the Flying Saucer Draught Emporium.  5:45pm.

Other Notes

Saturday, September 11th, 2004.  A free seminar on Houston flooding will be held from 9:00am to 3:00pm at Cy-Fair College. The seminar is sponsored by the Engineering, Science & Technology Council of Houston and Harris County Flood Control District.  Reservations are not required. For more details, see the HGS September Calendar or download the Flyer

Tuesday, September 14th through Thursday, September 16th, 2004. APPEX 2004, the AAPG Prospect and Property Exposition, co-sponsored by the HGS and SIPES, will be held in Houston at the George R. Brown Convention Center.

Friday through Sunday, September 24th-26th, 2004 is the Houston Gem, Jewelry, Mineral and Fossil Show at the Humble Convention Center, 9am to 5pm.  Three-day tickets are $5 for adults, $3 for students, teachers, and seniors.  Children unde

Friday, September 10, 2004