HGS Internationalists Newsletter -- August, 2004

HGS Internationalists NewsletterAugust, 2004

Two Reminders:London Travel and International Directory Update

LONDON: PESGB/HGS Africa04 Conference
Make travel arrangements now to attend 3rd PESGB/HGS International Conference on African E & P at QE2 Conference Centre, London, September 7th-8th, 2004 "Africa: The Continent of Challenge and Opportunity”.
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Full details of program at PESGB website and a link to list of Hotels available from EXPOTEL travel agent.

 Update Your Directory Entry by Monday

Data from the HGS Website will be downloaded to create the 2004 version of the HGS International Explorationists Directory on Tuesday morning, August 17th.
Please confirm that your information is current before the end of the day, Monday, August 16th.
See details and instructions in HGS Internationalists Newsletter -- July, 2004

If you have questions please contact:

Al Danforth al.danforth@att.net (713) 502 2766.

Published August 13, 2004


Friday, August 13, 2004