Free July, 2004 issue of <i>Geotimes</i>

HGS Members Receive a Complimentary Issue of Geotimes<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
HGS members found a complimentary issue of the July, 2004 Geotimes magazine in their mail published by the American Geological Institute (AGI)  It resulted from an article in the March HGS Bulletin describing new resources available through the HGS Academic Liaison Committee.
The article (Academic Liaison Committee Adds Resources and Goes on the HGS Website, March 2004, p. 31-39). discussed the new Earth Inquiry series of web-based learning modules for K-12 students that the Academic Liaison Committeee purchased through the AGI.  Art Berman, Chairman of the Committee and author of the article got a call from <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Marcus Milling, Executive Director of the AGI, complimenting him on the in-depth description of the Earth Inquiry modules in the Bulletin article. 
Dr. Milling proposed that the AGI provide HGS members with a complimentary copy of Geotimes as a “thank-you” to the HGS for the publicity and as a way to stimulate members to join the AGI and receive Geotimes regularly.  While it was easy to agree to his proposal HGS Executive Board approval was required since AGI would have to get a copy of our member mailing list and this falls under our privacy protection bylaws. 
The Executive Board unanimously approved the proposal to allow the AGI to use our member mailing list on a one-time basis and encourages HGS members to consider joining the American Geological Institute.  For more information on the AGI go to their website at

Art Berman
Sunday, July 25, 2004