2004 Professional and Personal News About HGS Members

Members who have recently changed jobs, received awards related to their careers, been elected to professional positions, or moved their homes are invited to update their member profile and notify the HGS Webmaster of the effective date.  We will make a note here and refer them to your member profile.
This service is only available to current HGS members.  Note that both members and non-members must be logged in to read the HGS Membership Directory on line.

Gene Davis, formerly a Project Geologist at EOG Resources in Midland, moved December 1, 2004 to Forest Oil in Denver where he is Geological and Geophysical Manager, Western Division. (Posted 3 January, 2005)

Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H. was inducted as a Fellow in the GSA during the November annual meeting of the Geological Society of America in Denver, Colorado.
Mr. Campbell is licensed as a Professional Geoscientist and Geologist in the States of Texas, Wyoming, Mississippi, and Washington, licensed as a Professional Hydrogeologist in the State of Washington, and holds national professional certifications in geology and hydrogeology.  He is a principal in M. D. Campbell and Associates in Houston. (Posted 13 December, 2004).

Mark Leander has joined Fugro Multi-Client Services, Inc. as Senior Staff Geophysicist.  He was previously a Consulting Geophysicist and had been a geophysicist for Unocal and BP. (Posted 7 October, 2004)

Jerry Ferguson has joined Yuma Exploration and Production Co. as an exploration geologist. He was previously with Alpine Resources, Inc. He can be reached at 713.968.7068. (Posted 6 October, 2004)

Manny N. Fernandez has transferred to the ConocoPhillips Qatar Limited Business Unit, Doha Qatar effective August 01 , 2004. In his new role, Manny will become Manager, Geoscience Operations for the QatarGas 3 Project. Manny was formerly the Global Geoscience Operations Coordinator for ConocoPhillips in Houston, Texas. (Posted 28 August, 2004.)

Claudio Bartolini is the senior editor for the new AAPG Memoir 79 entitled The Circum-Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean: Hydrocarbon Habitats, Basin Formation, and Plate Tectonics. The memoir contains 44 international papers on the geology of the Gulf of Mexico, with an emphasis on the Mexican portion of the basin, and to the petroliferous areas of the Caribbean, including Colombia, Venezuela, Cuba, and Trinidad and Tobago.
Claudio continues to conduct integrated studies of the Mexican basins and their petroleum systems as part of his independent consulting activities. His present research includes the Sabinas and Burgos Basins of northern Mexico, and the Mesozoic syn-and-post rift sequences along the coastal region of the Gulf of Mexico. (Posted 26 August, 2004.)

Ken Webb to Geoscience Manager, Ridgewood Energy, Houston, Texas.  Formerly he was Consulting Geologist, Ridgewood Energy, Houston, Texas. (Posted 17 August, 2004.)

Joe Lynch, formerly with Roxar, has moved to Landmark Graphics.  He continues as Chairman of the HGS Vendor's Corner Committee.

Monday, December 13, 2004
Member News