HGS Volunteer of the Month -- November, 2004

Elsa Kapitan-White -- Associate Editor, HGS BulletinHGS Volunteer of the Month for November, 2004
Elsa Kapitan-White is the November recipient of the Volunteer of the Month Award. Elsa has been a leading member of the Bulletin Editorial Board since 1995 and is currently Associate Editor of the HGS Bulletin.
Elsa reviews seemingly every word that goes into the Bulletin and always finds things that need to be corrected or at least questioned. As she goes through the articles she often makes suggestions to the Editor for key parts of the article that can be highlighted in the "pull quote" that appears in every article to attract the reader''s interest. She does all this typically in one day.
Elsa received a BS in geology from Centenary College in Shreveport, LA and an MS in geology at Texas A&M University. She became an editor while working at the Ocean Drilling Program in College Station, TX. She has since been a technical editor for numerous publications including journals and books.
She joined the HGS Bulletin Committee at the invitation of Gail Bergan, who was the 1995-1996 Editor.  Elsa also served as the Chair and Technical Chair for the Division of Environmental Geosciences when the AAPG Convention was held in Houston in March, 2002.
The HGS is fortunate to have had Elsa Kapitan-White as a devoted volunteer for the past nine years. Her professional attention to detail has made a profound impact on the quality of the Bulletin. She has provided an enormous assistance to the many HGS Bulletin editors and the Society is most grateful for her contributions.
Elsa is a Technical Editor for Schlumberger Oilfield Communications - Marketing.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Member News