Keep 5 Alive - Saturday, April 2nd

"Keep 5 Alive" HGS Community Service Project
This Saturday Morning 8-12 Noon
The majority of the work for the Saturday, April 2 community services project will be at the Evergreen Negro Cemetery. Volunteers will be needed to help paint one side of the white picket fence on the outside of the Evergreen Negro Cemetery, and to clear the overgrown cemetery of weeds and tree limbs. A historical study including gridding and grave identification will be made at a later date when sufficient debris removal is completed.
Everyone should plan on wearing long trousers and boots if you have them (otherwise closed shoes or tennis shoes).  Gloves and equipment will be supplied on site but HGS members should feel free to bring weedeaters, hoes, and rakes. Please mark your name on all equipment you bring from home.
We will be provided water and lunch courtesy of ConocoPhillips. The HGS will provide breakfast taquitos and HGS T-shirts to all of our volunteers (family members and friends are most welcome).
Additional volunteers from ConocoPhillips, Wheatley High School, and Prairie View A&M will be attending.
Parking will be available on a vacant lot and along the street by the cemetery located at Lockwood and Market. The ConocoPhillips will have a tent and possibly banners. (See map link on the HGS website or click here.)
Please join us Saturday morning 8am-12pm to meet other HGS members, help beautify our community, and show our HGS pride with a large volunteer contingent. Contact Steve Levine at (281) 293-3896 (work) or (281)221-5529 (cell).
Thank you again for volunteering.

Sent March 30, 2005

Steve Levine
Wednesday, March 30, 2005