January 2004 HGS Bulletin

Regular Monthly Articles: 

  • From the President
  • From the Editor
  • GeoEvents Calendar
  • HGA/GeoWives

Feature Articles: 

  • CAST 2003:  Recharging Science Education
  • 2003 Shrimp Peel Attendance up 30 Percent
  • The HGS Website:  A Closer Look

Abstracts of Monthly Meetings:

  • The Energy Image and Recruiting
  • Brazilian Deep Water Fold Belts:  Tectonic Drivers and Structural Styles of Potential Traps
  • A Composite Plate Tectonic and Basin Dynamic Model for the Gulf of Mexico, Using an Integration of Potential Fields and Geologic Data Sets
  • Slime, Sand and Shells:  Lacustrine Hydrocarbon Play Elements Within a Continental-Environment Phase Stability Framework
  • The Barnett Shale Play, Fort Worth Basin


Arthur E. Berman, Editor-Elect
Thursday, January 8, 2004
Houston Geological Society Bulletins