Dry Hole & Disappointing Seismic Seminar Notes Available at BEG

The notes for the two HGS seminars on Dry Holes and Disappointing Seismic Anomalies are now available from the Bureau of Economic Geology in Austin:
Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Dry Hole Seminar.
Issued in November 2000 in cooperation with the Houston Energy Council. Ring-binder format, unpaginated. HGS 001CN, $40.00 plus $3.50 handling and 8.25% Texas sales tax. Prepayment by credit card or check is required.

Disappointing Seismic Anomalies.
Issued in October 2003, Dry Hole Symposium #2. Ring-binder format, unpaginated. HGS 002CN, $40.00 plus $3.50 handling and 8.25% Texas sales tax. Prepayment by credit card or check is required.

To Order:

Contact Publications Sales at the Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG)
 by phone at 1-888-839-4365
 by fax at 1-888-839-6277
 or by onsite visit to the J.J. Pickle Research Campus, 10100 Burnet Road, BEG Bldg. 130, Room 1.1.04.

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Orders are shipped book rate (4th class, media mail) unless courier service is requested and paid for by the customer.
Visit the BEG website for additional information about publications of the Houston Geological Society.

Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas
Saturday, February 28, 2004
Seminars, Courses and Field Trips