HGA News

HGA NEWS 2007 Debut A Classic Event was held on January 29th at the Jr. League. Four auxiliaries'' reps combined their efforts for a record setting event. The Houston Geological Auxiliary led this HPAC (Houston Petroleum Auxiliary Council) Luncheon and fashion show. Talbot''s presented spring and travel attire for our perusal. Lovely members from each auxiliary circulated throughout the ballroom and professionally described their attire.  Accessories were quite popular. Amongst the hubbub in the Grand Ballroom voices were raised renewing old acquaintances and meeting new friends. Everyone attending will concur that our Premier get together of all Four Auxiliaries set a standard for future parties to achieve. Door prizes were fun, too. When you see Linnie Edwards and her committee, congratulate them profusely for such a high spirited season opener. 
Annual Game Day Annual Game Day returned. A variety of new and old games were played on February 12th. Daisy Wood and her committee annually entertain us with playful and creative door prizes. Our luncheon always satisfies our palates. If you missed this year, put Game Day on your 2008 to-do list. March Road Trip March Road Trip is around the corner. Prepare for a historical journey led by Martha Lou Broussard and Linnie Edwards. More info in your invitation. Respectfully submitted by 3rd Vice President,Donna Parrish

Donna Parrish
Thursday, January 18, 2007