September 2004 HGS Bulletin in PDF Format

September 2004 HGS Bulletin  in PDF format (3.0 megabytes)
Regular Monthly Articles:

  • From the President
  • From the Editor
  • Webnotes
  • HGA/GeoWives

Feature Articles:

  • The Barnett in My Backyard—Damnit!
  • Houston in the 20th Century Program
  • Seismic Considerations for Classifying Proven Resources/Reserves: W. Africa Example
  • 2004 HGS Grand Canyon Trip
  • HGS Guest Night 2004 a Huge Success with a Mars Rover Theme
  • President’s Night 2004
  • HGS International Explorationists Group Gives Best Paper Award to Bill Ambrose
  • Big Rocks Found in Houston

Abstracts of Monthly Meetings:

  • Play Concepts in an Emerging Major Hydrocarbon Province in the Ultra-Deep Water Gulf of Mexico
  • High Resolution Aeromagnetic Evidence for Deep Seated Structural and Fault Control on Hydrocarbon Entrapment and New Oil and Gas Targets—East Texas and Northwest Louisiana
  • New AVO Classification to Develop High Quality Prospects in the Gulf Coast
  • Key Challenges to Realizing Full Potential in an Emerging Giant Gas Province: Nile Delta/Mediterranean Offshore, Deep Water, Egypt
  • What is MSD?
  • Positioning for Exploration Success in the Upstream Petroleum Business
  • Understanding Growth-Faulted, Intraslope Sub-basins and Associated Reservoir Targets by Applying Sequence Stratigraphic Principles: Examples from the South Texas Oligocene Frio Formation
  • Predicting Future Product Prices
Art Berman
Wednesday, September 1, 2004
Houston Geological Society Bulletins