Geological Auxiliary joined other Petroleum auxiliaries for a spectacular event January 29th at the Junior League. Talbot''s fashion show entertained all the ladies. Attendance was over the top. Chairperson Linnie Edwards chose a fine luncheon and setting to host this successful event. Congratulations to Linnie and her committee.
February 12 the ladies will return to the Junior League for our own auxiliary''s annual Game Day and luncheon. do not miss the fun. Call in your Reservations early. Watch for your invitation in The Eclectic Log our own calendar and information source.
More events ahead thru May. Come out and enjoy these outings with your officers. Officers and chairpersons take pride in planning parties for your pleasure. Support their efforts and attend all activities.
Currently, Jan. 31, Feb. 1 and Feb. 2 many of our group are volunteering at winter NAPE. Their efforts represent us well. Consider joining them next August.
Photos are of our December luncheon. Broadway style music was presented by the award winning Dulles Honor Choir. The fresh young faces and enthusiastic performance cheered us all. Many door prizes made everyone feel lucky. One table monopolized the prizes--You know who you are! Next our final treat was a book signing by our debuting author Ray Blackhall.
977 - The enthralled group
979 - Lucky Winners

Report submitted by
3rd V. P. Donna Parrish

3rd V. P. Donna Parrish
Monday, December 18, 2006