HGS Newsletter - May, 2004

Houston Geological Society NewsletterMay, 2004
Meeting Notices and Reminders

HGS Meetings

Monday, May 10, 2004 – HGS General Dinner Meeting (Westchase Hilton)
Underbalanced Casing Drilling Enhances Well Economics in South Texas Vicksburg”  Rich Dilla* and Doug Gordon, Shell Oil.
The corrected title of this first HGS meeting in May includes "Underbalanced." Note also that the abstract did not reach the May HGS Bulletin in time for publication.  You can read the complete abstract on-line.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004 - HGS Environmental and Eng''g Dinner Meeting (Rudy Lechners Grill)
"Rethinking the Global Carbon Cycle; Gas Hydrates and Sea-Floor Methane Throughout Time"  Dr. Gerald R. Dickens, Rice University.

Monday, May 17, 2004 - HGS International Explorationists Dinner (Westchase Hilton)

"Kazakhstan: Sequence Stratigraphy and Reservoir Prediction of the Great Tengiz Field" L. James Weber et al, ExxonMobil.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004 - HGS Northsiders Dinner (The Woodlands Resort & Conference Center)

"Knowledge, Resources, Respect; Flood Damage Reduction and Our Community" Michael D. Talbott, P.E., Director of the Harris County Flood Control District. 

Friday, May 21, 2004 - HGS Tennis Tournament (Houston Racquet Club)

NOTE: The Tennis Tournament is not on the May HGS Bulletin calendar, but there is a mail-in form on page 54.  Or you can print the form from the HGS website, fill it out, and mail it to Ross Davis with your check for $40.00.

Monday, May 24, 2004 - HGS N. A. Explorationists Dinner (Westchase Hilton)
"Upper Ordovician Montoya Sequence Stratigraphy and Chert Porosity in theSoutheastern Delaware Basin, West Texas" Dave Thomas, Tom Brown, Inc. 

Wednesday, May 26, 2004 - HGS Luncheon (Petroleum Club)
"Meeting Energy Challenges" Stephen Sonnenberg, AAPG President 2003-2004.

Other Notes
HGS Guest Night will be Saturday, June 19, 2004: "Mission Results from the Spirit and Opportunity Mars Rovers," featuring Dr. Gordon McKay, NASA Johnson Space Center. 
This year’s HGS Guest Night will be at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, starting at 6:30pm and continuing until 10pm. Dr. Gordon McKay of NASA will give a talk entitled  “Results from Spirit and Opportunity: Twin Rover Geologists on Mars” in the IMAX theater at about 8pm. The night’s activities will include a buffet dinner catered by Goode Company Barbeque, a real Mars meteorite on display, a free planetarium show and group access to the HMNS science exhibits. Sign up by June 11th on the HGS website using a credit card.  Or use the reservation form on the website,  or on p.18 of the May HGS Bulletin and send the form with your check to the HGS office by June 11. 
NASA has had incredible success since January 2004 with landing and maneuvering the two Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity over vastly different areas of Mars. Dr. Gordon McKay is manager of the Astromaterials Research Office, part of the Space and Life Sciences Directorate at the Johnson Space Center, Houston.  The night will be fun and informative for geoscientists and guests of all ages interested in the exploration of space.

The annual Offshore Technology Conference will be held in Houston from May 3rd through May 6th.

The monthly SIPES Luncheon will be held Thursday, May 20

Saturday, May 1, 2004