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GeoWives May 1, 2003 Houston Geological Society

On May 16, the GeoWives will have the last meeting of the year. This will be a business meeting and election and installation of officers.

From the 2002-2003 HGA President May 1, 2003 Houston Geological Society

This time last year it was with excitement and yes, I’ll admit, with some trepidation as well, I began my tenure as President.

Cracks of the World: Global Strike-Slip Fault Systems and Giant Resource Accumulations April 6, 2003 Houston Geological Society

Evidence is mounting that the Earth is encircled by subtle necklaces of interconnecting, generally latitude-parallel faults.

Lunar Exploration Series<br>Apollo Expeditions to the Moon: The Great Voyages Of Exploration April 6, 2003 Houston Geological Society

Editors note: This article was written by Apollo 17 lunar module pilot and geologist Harrison Schmitt. It appears here in an abbreviated form.

Geoscience Jobs 2002: Who, What, and Where? March 6, 2003 Houston Geological Society

During the nearly three years that I have been a volunteer (and current Chairman) for the HGS Personnel Placement Committee, I have frequently been asked questions concerning the geoscience job mar

Houston Geological Auxiliary and GeoWives News , March, 2003 March 3, 2003 Houston Geological Society

On March 13, 2003, the Geo-Wives will travel to Huntsville to see the much larger than life statue of the General/ Senator/President and the Sam Houston Memorial Museum Complex.

HGA March 1, 2003 Houston Geological Society

by Jan Stevenson, President Our annual Game Day was held at the Junior League on February 24, 2003. It was another successful event headed by Daisy Wood.

Geoscientists Provide Critical Needs for Optimal Frac Design February 5, 2003 Houston Geological Society

The critical well in the field development needs a fracture design. What do you need to know to generate a good design? How do you generate the design?

Casing Drilling Technology Potential for Cost Reducing Operations in South Texas Lobo Trend January 5, 2003 Houston Geological Society

Casing Drilling* consists of downhole and surface components that provide the ability to use normal oil field casing as the drill string so that the well is simultaneously drilled and cased.7,8 Cas

2002 Member Remembrances January 2, 2003 HGS

2002 Member RemembrancesBarr, Jim LOctober 11, 2002Barton, Robert H.April 28, 2002 Conley, Charles W.