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HPAC (formerly Houston Geological Auxillary) provides various social activities for spouses of members of the Houston Geological Society.
Did you know that the HGS sponsors a social organization for your wife or spouse? The Houston Geological Auxiliary (HGA) was formed in 1950 with the purpose of encouraging social relations among its members and to assist the Houston Geological Society in any manner it should request.
In the fall of 2008, HGA joined with our three other sister petroleum auxiliaries (Engineering, Land, and Geophysical) to form the Houston Petroleum Auxiliary Council (HPAC). Continuing with our past, our combined purpose continues to be social and service and assisting each group in any manner they might request.
There are four social events per year. Each event includes a social time and entertainment. There is a luncheon in September, a Christmas event, Game Day in February, and a Spring luncheon/ business meeting in May which is usually highlighted by a style show. HPAC also has bridge groups and a book club for members with those special interests.
Dues are only $20.00 per year. If these activities sound interesting to your spouse, we invite her to fill out the HPAC Membership Form [word doc format] and mail the completed form (with a check made out to HPAC) to:
Wanda Shaw
Ph: 281-467-5999
Ph: 281-467-5999
President: Norma Jean Jones
First Vice-President: Bernadine Billard
Second Vice-President: Wanda Shaw
Secretary: SaraNan Grubb
Treasurer: Kathi Hilterman
Editor: Janet Steinmetz
Parliamentarian: Sally Blackhall
Winona LaBrant 2005-2006
Lynn Schoenberger 2006-2007
Sherilyn "Sheri" McQuinn 2007-2008
Winona LaBrant 2005-2006
Lynn Schoenberger 2006-2007
Sherilyn "Sheri" McQuinn 2007-2008
Phyllis Carter 2008-2009
Millie Tonn 2009-2010
Edie Bishop 2010-2011
Kathi Hilterman 2011-2012
Mickey Murrell 2012-2013
Barbara Peck 2013-2014
Sally Blackhall 2014-2015
HAPL: Sheri McQuinn
HGS: Shirley Gordon
GSH: Donna Parrish
SPE: None
Barbara Peck 2013-2014
Sally Blackhall 2014-2015
HAPL: Sheri McQuinn
HGS: Shirley Gordon
GSH: Donna Parrish
SPE: None
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