BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/Chicago METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:February HGS New Energies Lunch - Small-Scale\, Ne ar-Site CCS: A Catalyst for Scaling Up Carbon Capt ure Projects DESCRIPTION:February HGS New Energies Lunch\n \n Small-Scale\, Near-Site CCS: A Catalyst for Scaling Up Carbon C apture Projects by \;Zach Liu\n \n February 20 th | 11:30am - 1pm\n \n Premier Corex (6510 Guhn R d\, Houston\, TX 77040)\n \n Cost: $40 \;pre-r egistered members\; $45 \;non-members &\;&n bsp\;walk-ups\; $30 students\n To guarantee a seat \, you must pre-register on the HGS website and pa y with a credit card. \; You may walk up and p ay at the door if extra seats are available. \ ; Please cancel by phone or email within 24 hours before the event for a refund. Online &\; pre-r egistration closes Wednesday\, at 5:00 p.m.\n \n & nbsp\;\n \n Small-Scale\, Near-Site CCS: A Catalys t for Scaling Up Carbon Capture Projects\n \n This presentation delves into the challenges and oppor tunities of launching CCS projects\, addressing ke y economic barriers\, infrastructure requirements\ , public perception concerns\, and competition fro m emerging technologies. Drawing on the Harvestone Blue Flint CCS project as a real-world case study \, it illustrates how smaller-scale\, near-site CC S projects can provide a practical and impactful e ntry point for meeting emissions reduction targets . The session also emphasizes the importance of in novation in overcoming technical and regulatory hu rdles\, the need for strategic investment to unloc k scalability\, and the crucial role of public eng agement in building support for CCS initiatives. U ltimately\, it advocates for leveraging small-scal e projects as a stepping stone to accelerate the w ider deployment of carbon capture technologies and realize global decarbonization goals.\n \n Core V iewing Session:\n \n The whole core from the proje ct will be on display at the event! The Blue Flint core is the 3rd well to ever go on CO2 injection in the US. Currently\, there are only 4 CO2 \; injection \;projects across the US.\n \n \n \n Above is an aerial photograph of the Blue Flint E thanol \;Plant with a CO2 Capture Facility.\n \n  \;\n \n Speaker: \;\n \n Zach Liu\, PE \, PG\, CFA\n \n \n \n Bio: \;Zach Liu\, PE\, PG\, CGA\, is the Director of Subsurface CCUS at H arvestone Low Carbon Partners\, where he oversees one of the few active Class VI CO2 injection opera tions at the Blue Flint CCS site in North Dakota. With over 25 years of experience in oil and gas\, including 15 years focused on CCUS at Kinder Morga n and Harvestone\, Zach has built a strong track r ecord of success\, having drilled more than 100 CO 2 wells.\n \n He is a licensed Petroleum Engineer\ , Professional Geologist in Texas\, and a CFA char ter holder. In 2018\, he served as President of SP WLA International. Outside of work\, Zach enjoys g olf and once hit a 202-yard hole-in-one with a 5-i ron.\n \n  \; CATEGORIES:Meeting CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250220T113000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250220T113000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250220T130000 LOCATION:Premier Corex\n 11335 Clay Road Suite 180\n Housto n\, TX 77041\n United States\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR