BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/Chicago METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:HGS General Lunch - "Sequence Stratigraphy: Time f or a Renaissance or a Recall?" by Katy Sementelli DESCRIPTION:HGS General Lunch \;- \;Sequence Stratigra phy: Time for a Renaissance or a Recall by Katy Se mentelli\n \n January 22\, 2025\n \n 11:30am - 1:0 0pm\n \n Murphy Oil Corp (9805 Katy Freeway Fronta ge Rd\, Unit G-200\, Houston\, TX 77024)\n \n &nbs p\;\n \n Price:\n \n HGS Members: $25.00\n \n Stud ents: $25.00\n \n Non-members: $35.00\n \n *Note: Due to popularity of the course\, we have now adde d a remote online option for HGS members: \;\n \n HGS Member (Remote Attendance): $15.00\n \n &n bsp\;\n \n Summary:\n \n  \;\n \n \n Have Sequ ence Stratigraphic principles been under-utilized in resource and deepwater plays in the last few ye ars? Is it due to lack of use or lack of sharing? A discussion of the state of sequence stratigraphy (in clastic systems) and the perception of uses t hat may be prohibiting the widespread application across reservoir systems and scales- lead by Katy Sementelli.\n \n \n \n This discussion is not mean t to be a crash course in sequence stratigraphy\, but we may need to review the basics to establish some grounding. \; Are stratigraphers frustrat ed? Have we let nomenclature bog us down? Are ther e areas that we should be using techniques that ar e perceived as not beneficial but over-using in ot her areas? \; A topic that comes up time &\ ; time again: sequence stratigraphy it is time to bring it back\, re-establish the ground-rules or j ust move on? Let&rsquo\;s break it down together!\ n \n  \;\n \n Katy Sementelli\n \n \n CATEGORIES:General Lunch CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250122T113000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250122T113000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20250122T130100 LOCATION:Murphy Oil Corp\n 9805 Katy Freeway Frontage Rd\n Unit G-200\n Houston\, TX 77024\n United States\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR