BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//CiviCRM//NONSGML CiviEvent iCal//EN X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/Chicago METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:HGS Short Course - Practical Aspects of Core Analy sis (1 Day) DESCRIPTION:HGS Short Course:  \;Practical Aspects of Core Analysis\n \n Presented by Alfonso Quaglia &ndash \; Inter Rock USA\n \n  \;\n \n Thursday\, Oct ober 24\, 2024 | \;8:00am &ndash\; 4:00pm\n ST RATUM RESERVOIR\n 5200 North Sam Houston Parkway W est. Suite 500\, \;Houston\, Texas 77086\n \n  \;\n \n Course Description:\n \n This course is designed for energy industry professionals incl uding physical geoscientists\, \;production ge ologists\, operational geologists\, reservoir engi neers\, petrophysicists\, log \;analysts\, sed imentologists\, drilling engineers and geophysicis ts\, etc. \;It focuses on a comprehensive over view of the applications of core analysis in \ ;petrophysical interpretation and reservoir charac terization. It aims to reduce \;uncertainties in reservoir data by providing representative in-s itu information. The course \;covers both theo retical concepts and practical exercises\, emphasi zing the importance \;of core acquisition prot ocols\, handling and corresponding analyses accord ing to the \;purpose of the investigation.&nbs p\;The course combines practical exercise\, case s tudies and short group \;discussions to provid e a comprehensive learning experience and the oppo rtunity to \;improve your understanding of cor e analysis techniques and their applications. Upon  \;completion\, each participant will have mas tered fundamental concepts of the practical \; aspects of core analysis\, thus contributing to mo re accurate reservoir evaluations and \;more i nformed decision making.\n \n \n \n Key Learnings: \n \n \n Understand the value of core analysis in reservoir studies.\n Know about core preservatio n techniques to minimize rock alteration.\n Consi der best practices for sample preparation in routi ne core analysis (porosity\, \;permeability\, saturation).\n Gain knowledge of special core ana lysis and the most important applications in \ ;reservoir characterization (relative permeability \, wettability\, capillary pressure).\n Identify some uncertainties in the core analysis process.\n \n \n Case Studies and Discussions:\n \n \n Poro sity variability as a result of core sampling and handling.\n Representativeness of water saturatio n measurement. \n \n \n  \;\n \n *Attendees wi ll receive a Certificate of Continuing Education&n bsp\;for 7 PDH\n \n  \;\n \n Cost:\n \n HGS Me mbers $250.00 \;\n HGS Student / In Transition Members $75.00\n \n Non-members $350.00 \;\n \n Emeritus $140.00 \;\n \n Registration will close Tuesday\, October 15\, 2024 at 1:00 \;pm .**Non-Members can submit an application and pay t heir dues before registering to get the member pri ce. Please call the HGS office at 713-463-9476 to be registered only AFTER your application and dues are submitted.**\n \n  \;\n \n About the inst ructor: \; \;\n \n \n \n Dr. Alfonso Quagl ia\n \n Education: \;1991 &ndash\; Geological Engineering with a Minor in Hydraulic Resources. U niversidad de Oriente\, Nú\;cleo de Bolivar\ , Venezuela\; \;1999 &ndash\; Diploma. Petroph ysics &\; Subsurface Integration. Tulsa Technol ogy Center &ndash\; BP/AMOCO\, OK. United States o f America\; \;2018 &ndash\; Master Sc. Geology and Mineralogy. Sebastian Francisco de Miranda In ternational University. Venezuela\; \;2021 &nd ash\; PhD. Higher Education. Formation Evaluation Research Line. Consortium: Cambridge International University. Spain.\n \n Professional Affiliations : \;SPE\, SPWLA\, SCA\, HGS\, VAPA\, SVG.\n \n Publications: \;40+ publications including ar ticles in Geosciences\, Petrophysics\, Subsurface Integration\, Environmental Engineering\, Rock Phy sics and Characterization of Conventional and Unco nventional Reservoirs.\n \n Academia &\; Consul ting: \;He has taught several topics and cours es in Geosciences\, Petrophysics\, Subsurface Inte gration and Petroleum Engineering Departments for several Universities (University of Houston\, Univ ersity of PATAGONIA Argentina\, University GRM San ta Cruz Bolivia\, UDO\, UCV\, ULA\, LUZ Venezuela) for undergraduate and graduate courses\, advising numerous Theses\; as well as Oil &\; Gas Impor tant companies (REPSOL\, PEMEX\, PDVSA\, CHEVRON\, Quantum Management Resources\, Lewis Energy\, SHE LL\, PLUSPETROL\, VAPA\, etc&hellip\;) \; in L ATAM and USA. \n \n Email: quagliaa@inter-rock-ca. com\n \n  \;\n \n Sponsored By:\n \n  \;\n \n \n \n  \;\n \n \n  \;\n \n  \; CATEGORIES:Lectures and Courses CALSCALE:GREGORIAN DTSTAMP;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241024T080000 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241024T080000 DTEND;VALUE=DATE-TIME:20241024T160000 LOCATION:Stratum Reservoir\n 5200 North Sam Houston Parkway West\n Suite 500\n Houston\, TX 77086\n United St ates\n URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR